Juice Recipes You Need to Help your Immune System


Juicing not only fuels your body with energy, it can help to build your immune system. While we know that some juices don’t taste the best, their health benefits can make it all worthwhile. Without further ado, here’s our list of the top 3 juices everyone should have in their rotation to stay healthy during and after quarantine.


1.     Celery Juice 


Celery juice has been known to lower blood pressure, improve digestion, and fight infection because it contains powerful antioxidants. According to a 2018 report from Medical News Todaycelery contains high levels of vitamin K and good amounts of vitamins A, B-2, B-6, and vitamin C. Celery is also a good source of the following nutrients:

Tip: Try adding ginger and lemon to your fresh celery juice for an extra kick.


2.     Carrot Juice 

In case your mother didn’t tell you this everyday as a child, carrot juice is not only good for your eyesight but also great for strengthening your immune system. It can aid in fighting harmful bacteria and maintaining blood sugar levels.

3.     Beetroot Juice 

Although we’ll happily admit that the taste is something to get used to, beetroot juice can do amazing things for your body. According to a [year] report from Healthline, researchers found that people who drank 8 ounces of beetroot juice daily lowered both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

While every juice has it benefits, it’s important to do your research and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any juice cleanse or detox to determine what’s best for you.