5 Tips for Supporting a Fit Lifestyle


Stay Hydrated
It is recommended that we consume at least 64 ounces of water daily, and at the very least that amount should be maintained. If you’re physically active and spending time doing any kind of fitness training – you should consider your body weight as a factor and make your best attempt to consume ⅔ of your body weight in water. For example if you weigh 155 pounds you should consume somewhere around 103 ounces of water daily.

What’s strength without flexibility? No matter your fitness focus, stretching is vital to reducing the chances of pulling, straining or tearing of the muscles.


Protein Shakes and Supplements
Incorporating protein supplements is essential for muscle building. The most important factors are diet and metabolism, but there are benefits to adding protein supplements for every body type. If you’re slim adding protein will help you maintain weight and build mass; if you’re looking to lose weight and slim down using protein shakes as meal replacements will help curb appetite and convert stored fat into muscle which also helps accelerate visible results; if you’re looking to bulk up consuming the right amount of protein packed food for fuel in combination with an isolate protein will further support muscle building. Your local health store will carry a variety of whey-based protein, and there are plenty of plant-based supplements in the market.


Document your progress
There’s no better feeling than looking in the mirror and seeing progress. Documenting your journey will help you see the nuances, because it won’t always be overt, and that type of motivation is important for the long haul. Knowing where you came from will only help you determine where you want to go!

Take it up a notch!
If you’re just beginning your fitness journey, or if you’re more experienced – acknowledge your progress and never be afraid to take it up a notch. Once you’ve got level one under you belt, take on level two! Partner workouts are great fun and help support accountability – making sure your partner has similar fitness goals is essential.